Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Text Writing

rock'n'roll band

There is nothing in the world that depresses me more than vacuuming I dare say that we are at the level of iron. The strange mechanism that snaps nell'aspirapolverare still escapes me, but the deafening noise and touch the hidden corners gives me strange feelings and bad thoughts. Taking phrases such as a disc here is an already does a shitty job, and then come home and also touches on this, I win the lottery and take one home with your family, I have twenty years and run off with the singer a rock'n'roll band, oh hell one of these days I have to thoroughly clean down there. And so on down to the findings on the uselessness of life and unlikely to compare with the sterility of the housework. I guess I am not alone in facing this way, the duties of housewife but today it happened to me something different and interesting. Today while moving tables and sofas thought to write this post and I found finally a funny way to cleaning the house but mostly I solved my doubt about the existence of this blog.


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