Thursday, October 25, 2007

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PASTA: The Italians go crazy for

What is durum wheat, mordibo, full, full, short or long Italians are crazy about pasta. A survey carried out, an Italian consumes an average of 28 to 30 kg of pasta in one year. Although the last year has increased the price of pasta, Italians remain the world's largest consumer. There are many recipes, but the most popular is the "tomato and basil that is also highly respected in the world. In addition, Italy is confirmed as the first produtture in the world of pasta. Many foreign companies are trying to copy this noble food, but they never get good results. E 'then our Italy and our wheat pasta that give us the best in the world.
There is perhaps more natural food and simple pasta?

Durum wheat semolina and water. No preservatives because it is the drying of the product that allows a indefinite shelf life, no color: watching a bunch of spaghetti against the find the sunlight absorbed by the grain of wheat and flour from the back, no chemical additives and even salt.
Albertone had always said ...
Where did the word pasta?
The word pasta comes from the greek ong likely that significant Pussy "flour mixed with liquid and is a difficult task to assign someone to have the paternity of the first ground wheat mixed with water to obtain dough to food. But Apicius was to let the first real documentation on the existence of a compound very similar to our pasta in his "De re coquinaria books fact, he describes a pie dough. Until the year 1000 does not have precise information. Born around 1050 in Sicily's famous "macaroni" in the town of Trabia, near Palermo, the building of a particular food of flour in the form of thread, still famous in the world.


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